Case Study – Executive Assessments
An international aerospace company with over 5,000 employees

When it comes to filling critical leadership roles for an industry-leading organization, finding average level talent was not sufficient. They needed a process that was designed to dig deeper than the traditional interview in understanding how well a candidate would fit the organization and be a true leader in the business.

PRADCO collaborated with the organization to develop an executive assessment that spoke to the leadership capabilities that mattered most to them. Every candidate for a major leadership position was interviewed by PRADCO and rated according to key competencies. The organization later classified 36 leaders who were hired
for key roles in terms of whether they were making
a significant impact (“A Players”) a moderate impact (“B Players”), or a minimal impact (“C Players”). Findings showed that leaders who emerged as “A Players” were rated over 83% higher on average by PRADCO consultants at the time of hire on the organization’s leadership capabilities in comparison to those who ultimately became “C players”. “A Players” scored significantly higher on critical behaviors that embodied the organization’s core leadership capabilities.
PRADCO spends time understanding your business and can provide customized assessments designed to pick up on the capabilities and competencies most important to your organization.
When assessing candidates, PRADCO’s Executive Assessment process consistently differentiates top talent and helps you make the right hiring decisions.