Case Study – Executive Coaching Program
A manufacturer in the food services industry with factories across the US and Canada along with a worldwide distribution network

A mid-level leader was challenged by a difficult relationship with his boss due to misalignment regarding expectations. The new boss and former long-time peer expected more elevated leadership from this person which was not being demonstrated, namely: strategic thinking, increased professionalism, and a more inspiring attitude.
PRADCO collaborated with the participant’s boss and the Chief Human Resources Officer at the company to learn more about the person’s attributes and developmental opportunities. The Quick View™ 360 Assessment was then used
to solicit feedback from direct reports, superiors, and peers which helped to uncover strengths as well as the leadership behaviors that needed improvement. From there, with PRADCO’s support, the participant developed an action plan based on the assessment results and the feedback provided from the HR leader to ensure alignment with organizational objectives. Measurable goals were established to demonstrate more advanced leadership behaviors, and to lead change in a more strategic way. These goals were reviewed during several one-
on-one coaching sessions and the coach checked in with the boss and HR midway through the engagement to discuss progress and any remaining challenges.
For this participant, acknowledging the challenges ahead was the hardest part. After accepting the role they could play in their own success, this participant wholly engaged in the development process. As noted below, numerous positive outcomes were seen as a result of the coaching engagement.
- The participant developed a comprehensive commercialization strategy for
the company’s largest client, which was adopted by C-suite leaders. - More collaboration with direct reports enabled the participant to promote a high-performing team member to a higher-level position.
- PRADCO’s Executive Coaching can effectively help even seasoned leaders develop new skills that may be required when they step into a new role
- PRADCO’s process of collaborating with numerous stakeholders and leaders creates strong alignment around successful outcomes for coaching participants as well as the organization
- Leaders that go through PRADCO’s coaching program are likely to continue developing skills that will
support their current role and prepare them for
future responsibility