Case Study – Quick View Hourly Employee Assessment
A mid-sized manufacturing organization with an hourly workforce of approximately 400 employees

Due to a challenging work environment, turnover within the hourly workforce was high. Additionally, interview practices lacked consistency, which led to wasted time and money on candidates that were not a good fit.
First, PRADCO established a benchmark for success using the Quick View™ Hourly Assessment by analyzing differences between top and bottom performers. This benchmark was then used to compare future candidates through the selection process. Additionally, PRADCO provided training to support the interpretation of Quick View™ Hourly results and best practices in behavioral interviewing. Follow-up questions provided in the assessment improved consistency across interviews which drove efficiency and resulted in better hiring decisions. Pre and post assessment turnover was compared through a value analysis which indicated a 22% drop in turnover.

PRADCO’s Quick View™ Hourly Assessment saved the client $74,322 through turnover reductions.
Using PRADCO’s assessment in the selection process can provide a benchmark for success to compare candidates and improve interview quality and consistency.