Research conducted by CEB shows that 60 percent of new managers fail within the first 24 months of their new position. And according to Steve Smith, the author of Managing for Success: Practical Advice for Managers, the main reason why most new managers fail is because they were never properly trained to manage.
At PRADCO, we are well aware of these challenges. It’s why we developed the Striving for Excellence: New Manager Training Program, a personalized action plan for your new managers that utilizes the Quick View Leadership Assessment, Social Styles Training, group workshops, and individual coaching sessions to help participants develop the skills and behaviors necessary to excel in the various situations they will encounter as new leaders.
We know that while developing your new managers is a top priority, actually doing so can sometimes get pushed aside due to day-to-day responsibilities. The Striving for Excellence: New Manager Training Program provides an accelerated and comprehensive learning opportunity for new managers to acquire and develop the skills and knowledge needed to perform effectively, delivering results that would normally take years to acquire on the job.
Want to know if your new managers are ready to lead? Here are the top three reasons why most new managers fail. If any of this sounds familiar, we’re here to help.
Top 3 Reasons Why Most New Managers Fail
1. They Were Never Properly Trained To Manage
A common hiring myth is that if someone is wonderful at their job, they’ll be really good at managing others who are doing that same job. This simply isn’t the case, however. It takes an entirely different skill set to be an effective sales manager than it does to be an excellent sales person, for example.
A leader needs to do his or her job, effectively motivate and guide his or her team, AND drive the organization forward to make it more successful. Everything from day-to-day managerial tasks (tracking time, managing expenses, keeping projects on track, etc.) to big picture items (keeping employees engaged, shaping the organization’s vision, etc.) must be taught to your new managers. You also must show them how to communicate with purpose, effectively delegate, establish clear goals, and hold others accountable to meet desired outcomes.
2. They Don’t Know the Differences Between Leading and Managing People
They certainly go hand-in-hand, but there is a difference between leadership and management, and your new managers better know the difference if they’re going to be successful. Of course you want your managers to handle all the nuts and bolts — planning, budgeting, organizing, and coordinating to keep the team, projects, and day-to-day business on point and on task — but at the same time, they have to lead.
A leader needs to have vision and drive change. He or she needs to motivate, inspire, and engage. A leader needs to be confident, take risks, and always be accountable. If you want your new managers to truly lead, you need to show them how to effectively coach and motivate others to perform at their highest levels, minimize potential conflicts, and do whatever it takes to keep their teams — and the organization as a whole — moving forward.
3. They Don’t Effectively Manage Change
In business, things can — and always do — change. Every organization knows this, yet change initiatives often fail and as a result, organizations suffer. Strong leaders on the other hand, aren’t put off by change — they embrace it. They find ways to not only work through change, but to come out on the other side even stronger than before, resulting in revenue and business growth. Not only that, when good leaders effectively manage change, it inspires their teams, making them more confident, resilient, and focused.
To ensure that your new managers will be able to effectively manage change, you have to clearly define how change will impact their teams, the organization, and the managers themselves as individuals. By becoming personally resilient, your leaders will be able to motivate, coach, and guide their teams — and the entire organization — through any changes you may face.
At PRADCO, we have the experience, drive, and tools to be your partner in developing better talent. We’ll take the time to learn about your organization and customize solutions for you. We’re ready to help you hire and develop talent with confidence. If you’re ready to start better training your new managers, let’s talk.